A Guide To TOTO Toilet Seats

Who are TOTO? TOTO, Ltd. is the leading manufacturer of bidet toilets in Japan. More commonly known as “Washlets”, these toilets have a unique automatic seat heating, auto wash function, and high-quality deodorising system. The first product, the “Whip”, was released in Japan in 1990.


The “Whip” has since become very popular worldwide and is used by people across the globe to relieve themselves in privacy. As a result of this popularity, TOTO has expanded into a multi-product company that focuses on bidet accessories and toilet parts for both home and commercial use.

What are TOTO toilets made of? The TOTO toilet seats are manufactured from plastic resin. Each seat consists of a plastic base and seat cushion, which are then attached to a plastic seat cushion cover. This means that each seat has its own cushion and is not an interchangeable piece with other products.

How do TOTO toilet seats fit? Toilet seats come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Each seat has a universal height and width, which means that a seat can fit any toilet from any country in the world and vice versa. This gives each person the freedom to choose the toilet that best suits them. When buying a seat, always look out for this feature, which ensures that you get a seat that will perfectly fit your toilet.

How can TOTO toilet seats help to prevent accidents? When it comes to accidents, one thing is certain: accidents can happen when it is not convenient. However, by purchasing a seat that is ergonomically designed, you are able to prevent yourself from suffering any injuries due to overshooting or undershooting the handle or back of your toilet.

What should you look out for when looking at TOTO toilet seats? Firstly, you should look for a seat that is made from quality materials such as PVC plastic, which has an excellent water resistant properties. You should also look out for a seat that has been designed ergonomically, which means that the design features a seat shape that is designed to accommodate your body. in an upright position. If you are looking for a bidet that will also provide the convenience of using a hand held device, look out for seats that have a hand held holder.

How durable is the TOTO toilet seats? TOTO toilet seats are made of high quality plastic resin, so they should be able to withstand everyday use, unlike some other brands. Although a TOTO toilet seat can sometimes feel rough after several years of use, it is still relatively smooth compared to other brands.

Where can you find these toilets in stores? The best place to buy a toilet seat would be online, as there are many websites that sell toilet seats and other toilet accessories for sale. However, if you want to get the best deals and lowest prices, you should probably take a trip to your local store. TOTO toilet seats are widely available in a number of leading retailers around the world, including Argos, Homebase, and Tesco.