SBOBET is a top bookmaker offering competitive odds and a massive selection of LIVE betting events. Their site is designed with speed and convenience in mind and offers a wide range of devices and web browsers. The interface is highly customisable, allowing users to change settings and layout to suit their personal preferences. SBOBET also has a unique feature that automatically locks in higher odds when placing a bet. This is especially useful in live sports, where odds are constantly fluctuating.

While the platform is easy to navigate and simple enough for beginners, there are some aspects that may turn off more experienced punters. For example, the odds area only displays today’s events initially. In order to view all events, you must click on the ‘More’ button. This is a minor inconvenience, but can be frustrating for punters who want to place multiple wagers on individual teams or matches.

In addition to offering an extensive sportsbook, sbobet has a variety of casino games and racing markets. It also has an incredibly popular poker room. This is a great way to earn money and build your bankroll. However, you should always remember to gamble responsibly and only risk what you can afford to lose.

The company is based in Isle of Man and has operations in Asia and Europe. It is a top bookmaker for Canuck sports fans and offers premium athletic handicapping options. However, the site could use some improvements in its casino and banking options.